How real is the actual degree of severity?
The actual severity rate of accidents at work. This figure is calculated each year and stated in the annual report of the Internal Service for Prevention and Protection at Work. But some companies also like to work with it. In especially large, usually "dangerous" companies, they proudly display these figures, and some hang it themselves at the entrance gate.
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‘Tippex accident’

Tip·pex ac·ci·dent (BrE, noun, c) /ˈtɪp.eks ˈaksədənt/
Tippex accidents are work accidents that are not or inadequately reported and are thus ‘invisible’ or ‘harmless’. Work accidents that, not unlike spelling errors, disappear under a thin layer of tippex.
Tippex accident
Attend a seminar

Below is a list of already scheduled seminars.

This is possible through two questionnaires.
The first is an extensive questionnaire for the victim.
The second, succinct questionnaire is for the professional. Colleagues, executives, HR, management or preventive services with experience in the phenomenon of tippex accidents.
Report a tippex accident
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